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Howstuffworks "How Homeschooling Works"

Howstuffworks "How Homeschooling Works" by Katherine Neer is a fantastic resource for those of you pondering whether or not to homeschool your child. You'll find helpful tips on getting started, various homeschooling "methods," and links to other great homeschooling sites.

Picture: Photo courtesy A to Z Home's Cool
A homeschooler getting some schoolwork done

A controversial chapter in education: unschooling - Growing Up Healthy

A controversial chapter in education: unschooling - Growing Up Healthy -

Here's a MSNBC article on "unschooling." Like "homeschoolers, unschooled children don’t attend traditional class. Unlike most homeschoolers, however, unschoolers do not follow any sort of curriculum. Children are allowed and encouraged to set the agenda and pace using their parents, their own lives and their homes and communities as resources."