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3.1 Home-schooler teaches others to read

This is an inspiring story from about a little 8-year-old homeschooler who helps others to read...WOW!

Home-schooler teaches others to read - Making a Difference -

In our experience, homeschooling gives the family time to tackle projects like the annual Young Author's Competition. Alexandra, Cameron, and Brandon have all written and finished books (including illustrations and binding), which took a lot of time to complete. I think many parents would agree that writing a book is a very worthwhile pursuit, but let's face it...what keeps many children from attempting it is the time involved, not to mention parents who are "time-challenged" to help after work.

Maria integrated the Young Author's book projects into the kids' everyday learning units. It worked...not surprisingly, many of the award winners throughout our local school district in all age categories were homeschoolers.